A sweet new space that is super rich.

Late last month MultiView launched the largest advertising initiates ever seen on a number of our Buyers Guides. Word spread quickly about these higher price point banners and shortly after they began selling out.

There are a couple over reasons, in my opinion, that contribute to the success that we have seen with the Peel Back Banners. There are also a few industry conclusions that speak to their viability as well. Let’s look at my theories first…

Audience. I realize that this feeds into every other item of inventory but its importance can’t be over looked. Our Buyer’s Guides have been created exclusively for industry buyers.  We can give our customers an opportunity to safely invest their advertising dollars in placements thats are industry specific. This is huge for a customer with any display ad that guarantees rotation every 10, 5 and now in the case of some Peel Backs 3 pages. They have a message and we have a cost effective way to get it to the right people.

I got a little bit ahead of myself at the end of the audience blurb. Rotation really was meant to be my second point. Peel Back Banners have the smallest rotations on each of its respective guides. You can offer your client a way to be on every fifth page of their customers resource for connecting with industry suppliers. We say it a lot but THIS IS HUGE!

Finally, the online advertising industry sees peel back click-throughs yield a 300-1000% increase over a standard graphic ad. Everyone has encountered a potential advertiser who was obsessed with click throughs. We now offer a medium that meets their needs. Let’s go on the lower end of the estimation referenced above. If a single vertical banner is $3500 than a Peel Back Banner could justifiably call for a $10500 price point. We don’t work like that though. We want to offer our advertisers the most cost-effective way to reach their customers. The $7500 price for our Rich Media Peel Backs is a steal.

All in all these new banners are cool, they work, and they intrinsically create more value for the customer.

It is a great time to be selling ssppphhaacceee.

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