3 ways to use video to promote your brand

For companies looking to improve their online presence organically, they should consider a video campaign. Videos can educate potential clients on a company’s product offering or overall brand as well as potential employees on the company culture. Here are three ways a company can utilize video to gain new clients and the right employees. Create […]

Guest Blogger, Caitlin Harrison: Company culture matters more than you think

MultiView Culture - Chairless Meeting

Today’s employees are more disengaged than ever. A recent Gallup poll found this is true of 70 percent of American workers. Improving your company culture could be the key to turning this trend around. It can keep employees happy and staying at your company longer, according to research. If you’re seeing a great deal of […]

Guest Post: Discovering company culture through the beat of a happy tune

MultiView Culture

By Bianca Gibson As defined by About.com, company culture is the personality of a company and defines what the organization is like to work for from the employee’s perspective. Loud music, food trucks for lunch, over-the-top holiday parties, telework opportunities and a relaxed dress code, are all examples that produce company culture. And although the […]

Guest Post: Why there’s no need to have a dress code in the workplace

By Christina Nava Here at MultiView, most of the employees come to work dressed casually while some wear business casual attire. In other words, there is no strict dress code enforced. But doesn’t that go against everything traditional corporate America represents? Maybe so. After all, the whole point of a dress code in the first […]

Transparency in the Workplace

As the digital world grows and kids are raised in an environment where information is available to them at a moment’s notice, employees are demanding a more transparent business model. Dwindling are the days of record keeping on paper, so the information employees want to know is often just a click away. MultiView is leading […]

Using Alter Egos in Sales: Unique Ways to Manage and Inspire

At MultiView, we run our sales floor a little differently. One of our unique management techniques is the use of alter egos to improve sales production. While it may seem a little weird at first, we feel that it gives our sales reps super powers. Because all super heroes have alter egos, right? When a […]

Multi Marketing: Working in the Evolving Digital Marketing Industry

The digital marketing industry is one that a lot of people stumble into; and there are very few degrees that specialize in the subject. Why? It’s relatively new and ever-changing. If I had earned a degree in digital marketing five years ago, many of the techniques I would have learned would already be obsolete. This […]

Multi Marketing: Admitting You Have a Problem

What’s the first step of any rehabilitation program? Admitting you have a problem. Companies are built by individuals, which brings along an inherent ability to mess things up. No one is perfect. No company is perfect. If you think you are, we may need to have an intervention. The good news? We can always make up […]

Multi Marketing: Kill Two Birds With One Stone

One thing businesses and non-profit organizations constantly battle with is how to get more done with less effort. One thing you may want to consider doing is something that has been done for decades. Companies and non-profits are building brand ambassadors that love their brand so much they will display their pride in some form or […]

Multi Marketing: It’s Called Fishing, Not Catching

Multiview big fish

Marketing is a lot like fishing. Our job as marketing professionals is to build brand awareness, create conversations with potential clients, and give folks an easy way to purchase our products and services. There are seemingly endless ways to accomplish our goals; and if you ask 100 different marketers how they would help increase a […]

Multi Marketing: Stop Taking Yourself So Seriously

If there is any company that has exemplified not taking themselves too seriously, it’s Dissolve. They are a stock video footage company that allows you to purchase clips of professional quality to add to your online video ads and TV commercials without paying an arm and a leg to have it filmed just for you. […]

Multi Marketing: What do Billboards and Clean Drinking Water Have in Common?

The answer was, until very recently, absolutely nothing. However, the University of Engineering and Technology of Peru decided to change that. Lima, Peru gets less than 2 inches of rain every year, but has an atmospheric humidity of about 98%. This has created a huge issue for the residents trying to get clean drinking water with […]

Multi Marketing: 5 Questions to Ask for a More Effective Marketing Campaign

I was recently reading A More Beautiful Question by Warren Berger, which had absolutely nothing to do with marketing or this blog post, other than it sparked an idea for this blog post. Often times, as marketers, we’re trying to generate ideas to drive more business. Below are, what I believe, the five most important […]

Multi Marketing: Listening to your Clients

“We’re all learning here; the best listeners will end up the smartest.” – Charlene Li and Josh Bernhoff, Authors of Marketing in the Groundswell I couldn’t have said it better myself. No matter how big a company is, a smaller one can come in at any time and steal market share-M all because they listened […]

Multi Marketing: Using Member Rewards Programs to Target Your Buyers

We’ve all seen them. Grocery stores, restaurants, airlines; they all want you to join their membership program. Why do they try so hard to get you to join? Is it to give you incentives to keep coming back to them over their competitor? Sure. More importantly, though, it is to collect valuable data in the […]