A Passionate Sole

Hip-hop has taught me a lot about money…and my subsequent lack of it. A lot about the daily hustle and stacking money to the ceiling; and although the language might not be universally accepted, the message is.

Why do we work? Sure, we work to better ourselves, to achieve something greater, to accomplish, to grow and succeed, but ultimately the thing we do, no matter what it is, is somewhat driven by the dollar. But what does the dollar mean? Is it more than just a dead president? Yes, the dollar can symbolize security, wants, needs, necessities, dreams, passions, hopes, and goals. No, money is not everything nor is it the only thing, but to do anything, it sure does help to have it.

Basically, we work to fulfill our duties, reach our goals and fulfill our passions- and we all have different passions which makes all of us unique. A friend of mine dropped $5,000 on a new computer. I couldn’t fathom that and I own a Mac, but the same friend would look in my closet and shake his head.

See, I have a small fortune in shoes, and it all started because I stole the style of a fourth grade tomboy. The Air Jordan XI Concord caught my eye, and my obsession began in that moment. Before this day, my shoe purchases were by my parents only and they were capped at $65/pair. I know, spoiled kid problems, right? These were above my $65 spending spree, but my mom saw it in my eyes; and I was serious about “needing” these kicks. I begged her to buy them that day with promises of mowing the lawn, washing dishes, cleaning the house, the pool, walking the dog, changing car oils- pretty much anything I could think of that would get my soul into these soles. I mean, c’mon, they weren’t going to be available next weekend because, you know, limited inventory.

Giddy as could be, the purchase happened and I wore them out the door. Fast forward nearly 20 years and countless pairs late,r I’m still at it, although my parents no longer purchase my shoes, not even as gifts. I know, feel sorry for me.

I know what you’re thinking, unless you are a female with an affinity for heels or another like me, “what a waste of money.” But what do you spend your money on? I know that I’ve spent thousands upon thousands on things I just put on my feet, but they’ve made memories for me. Shoes are a passion; and I can tell you stories about the first pair of Jordans I dunked in, or the Nikes I stood in line for hours for or that one night I camped outside of a store just to have a chance to give them $200, and the countless number of people I have met or the approving head nods from other people with, “a problem.”

I incorporate this in everyday life. You won’t see me with the same pair on two days in a row; and if you need to know anything about cleaning shoes or keeping them pristine, come talk to me. Also guys, girls really do check your feet.

What’s your passion and why are you here? What are you spending your money on and putting worth in? Think about it.

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