The Culture of Listen-Learn-Make at SXSW 2013

Yesterday, I returned from my first-ever trip to the South by Southwest (SXSW) Interactive Conference. I spent the morning answering coworkers’ questions about it and telling stories about who I met and what I learned, did and saw. More than that, I tried to explain what it all meant, the relevance of the experience. What […]

If you’re not smartening, you’re dumbening

I’ll start with the disclaimer. This is about advertising, written by someone whose career and livelihood come from making ads. I love advertising like I love baseball, scotch and George Carlin’s use of profanity. Like all those things, ads have their place and must meet a standard of excellence to be welcome. So let’s begin. […]

Big Day for our Digital Democracy

Today is about choices with no take-backs, undos, or deletes. Over one hundred million Americans will have their choice tallied-up and presented to the world as the will of a nation. Billions around the world will wait and react. All of it will echo across digital communities and social networks for the rest of this […]