Lessons learned from association thought leaders via Twitter

MultiView’s leaders have been working in the association world since 2000. Much has changed in that time, and the Company has learned with association executives how to navigate such change and implement best practices.

One way MultiView is participating in the discussion is thorough social media, especially Twitter. On Twitter, the Company is known as @MultiView and uses hash tags like #assn, #yulerock and #assnchat. Also the public relations team has set up personal Twitter accounts, @laurenwsinclair, @calliecady and @jaredchernandez, so that we can be in on the conversation as well.

Twitter is a wonderful forum for education because thoughts are whittled down to short, 140 character length paragraphs, making it easier to scan and absorb information more frequently. It can take up to fifteen minutes to read an article, but two seconds to read a tweet. Of course, one has the option of reading an article from the accompanying link.

Twitter also gives executives the chance to learn from and have dialogue with various association thought leaders. One of the most influential thought leaders on Twitter in the association world is KiKi L’Italien, @kikilitalien. She is a social enterprise strategist who works with companies and non-profits, President of Amplified Growth, Inc., speaker, and active member of Association of Professional Futurists (APF), American Society for Association Executives (ASAE), National Speakers Association (NSA), DC Ad Club, and Nonprofit Technology Network (NTEN), among others.

 What she is known for on Twitter is the weekly Association Chat or #assnchat, hosted every Tuesday at 2 p.m. EST. On this forum, she addresses key issues in associations today and other thought leaders (and aspiring thought leaders such as myself) respond with their thoughts. See below for a clip of some of the interactions.

Pictured are the benefits of Twitter and other social media channels. We left the #assnchat knowing more about the association world and how to improve it; shared our struggles and concerns and learned more about each other.

 MultiView is participating in the conversation and plans to continue to be active in the association world. The Company wants to help meet the needs of their 1,100 association partners and other association partners to come.




  1. […] Sinclair and the team at MultiView agree too. They love the knowledge nuggets they get from Twitter. “Twitter also gives executives […]

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