How to be a MultiViewer

Well here goes my first blog post, that isn’t for a university program! I started at MultiView last April, two weeks after I finished my final exam at the University of Waterloo and moved here to Markham for MV. Since my first day, I have learned a lot about the company, about the advertising business and […]

Transitions, Amirite?

I really didn’t expect such a huge transition. Sure, there are many workplaces that can be described by using a myriad of adjectives, but the one that comes to mind for my particular employer (cough…MultiView…cough) is…alright, I can’t even narrow it down to one word. Upbeat! Fantastic! Fresh! There’s no way one can truly be prepared for […]

Frankly Speaking: Toronto Tour Guide Part Five: Unbe-LEAF-able

Many of us grew up watching the MTV Music Awards every summer to see our favorite performers win the golden moon man trophies, as well as see their live performances on TV. Well, every year in June, Queen Street West is shut down so Much Music (Canadian version of MTV) can have their similar award show in […]

Frankly Speaking; Toronto Tour Guide Part Three (The Tommy Boy Tattoo Edition)

What was once the largest distillery in the world in the 1860s, later turned into the largest film studio outside of Hollywood, and is now a popular district in downtown Toronto. The Distillery District has seen many changes, but after two million gallons of whisky, and 800 film and television productions, this is one of […]

Frankly Speaking: Toronto Tour Guide Part Two

I’m back again to share with you a few more of my favorite Toronto destinations, and may drop an embarrassing Jennifer Love Hewitt story or two along the way. This week we will visit the new Texas A&M Alumni- Toronto chapter’s new post-game hangout, walk on the red carpet with he stars of the Toronto […]

Frankly Speaking: Toronto Tour Guide Pt. 1

In attempts to enlighten people unfamiliar with how awesome Toronto is, this will be part one of my ongoing series of blogs to back up my hype. Each week, I will act as a tour guide by showcasing a combination of three restaurants, bars and/or attractions that the great city of Toronto has to offer. […]